Set in the early 1930s, the pre-independence era of India, the story revolves around a lonely, silent, little girl BONDITA, living in Devipur, a then small village in the Bengal Presidency, and a London returned Barrister ANIRUDH, who just returned to his motherland Tulisipur, which was too situated in the Bengal Presidency, to remove all the social evils created by some toxic so called society and to lead a good married life with his childhood friend Saudamini, whom he thought to help him in his revolution against the British Empire and the Social Evils.
But Destiny had other plans. Anirudh, in order to protect a stranger little Bondita, unwillingly married her to save her from Sati Prathha, the biggest social evil of that period.
Both unaware of the fact, that they are destined to be together. Together to change the society. To be a perfect example of an ideal couple. But will they really accept each other as Husband and Wife? Will they ever fall for each other? What turned a chirpy bubbly Bondita into a silent girl? How will Anirudh deal with her depression?
Peep into the story to know more exciting secrets of their lives.
So, hey guys, I'm writing a book for a very first time, so if i make some mistakes, then please pardon me for that. I really admired ANIDITA from the very start of the show, though the show is over. I was really inspired for writing a book after reading several books on them. So, here, I came up with my own imaginary fiction on them. I hope you all will love the story.
PLEASE NOTE: The plot of the story is as same as the show BARRISTER BABU, but the changes will be their after their marriage.
Hey friends !!!! This is my first fanfiction and the beautiful bond between anidita from barrister babu inspired me to write this. It is not same as in the show. It is an imaginary story. So now let's get into it!! I hope you all will like it ..