I want to cry.
I wish to cry.
I want to cry for life, with life.
Life is wonders, but wonders too far.
I want to end life, but I love it too
much to convict such a murder.
My life is my everything, and my
everything is me love.
The one who holds that love is her.
She’s the one that is my everything.
Her name is unnecessary.
Her spirit is unbreakable.
Her life it unbalanced.
I wish to be the weight that fixes this
I wish for her life to flourish, as water
wishes to flow.
demand much but deliver little.
Me, the one who has change for the worse.
Me, the one whose emotions have gone
All but one remains locked up.
Anger, why anger.
I wish to rid of it.
I want to cry.
I wish to cry.
I want to cry for her, with her.
I need nothing but The Her.