A story that follows the life of a little girl named Mira can evoke all kinds of feelings and emotions inside every individual.
We can watch her grow from a little, innocently clueless kid to a slowly fading, insecure teenage girl, to a mature, fearless woman.
But is she, really?
The whole life-story starts when a terrible accident happens to someone who is very dear to back then only a six-year old Mira, and life hasn't stopped throwing sticks and bricks under Mira's little feet ever since.
You can name a tragedy, comedy, or even a fantasy, our poor Mira has been through it all.
It is often to be said that bone bruise hurts more than a bone fracture.
But what if you break the same bone all over again?
Will you adjust to the pain eventually, or is it just a never-ending process of constant ache?
Or will you succumb?
Is there any chance you can avoid it, at all?
Can a bone that has been broken in every possible way, ever be healed again?
And if so, what's it going to take?
If you want to find out, read this exceptional story that will not leave one eye dry.
A tears of joy, sadness, anger, madness are surely guaranteed.
Are you willing to join the ride on this rollercoaster?
(TW: mentioning of ED (eating disorder), PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), SA (sexual assault/suicidal attempt), suicide, drugging, different kinds of mental illnesses&disorders)
Want to ask me questions? See my behind the scenes? Even see my upcoming story sneak peeks?
Here you can request for a chapter read request as well as critique. There's even something better-talking to me about anything you want!