57 Parte Kumpleto Dear whatever,
Or is it whoever? I don't know, I'm not a writer anyways. Hi, I'm Arielle, but please call me A, I'm sick of hearing my name, or anyname actually, it just bothers me that I'm not actually as special as they'd want me to believe. Who's they? Oh, I don't know, everyone? Society? Whatever, so I guess I should tell you what this is about, eh? I'm writing this so I have something to leave behind, some sort of purpose to stay here, in this world, in this reality. I guess another reason is so that people can understand me? Or anyone like me I guess. To know what goes on in my mind. This will be officially started on June 4, 2017, my birthday, and will end on June 4, 2018. Whatever happens to this book, I promise myself that I won't delete it. If anyone actually bothers reading this, leave comments and suggestions or questions to get mentioned in the next chapter. I will be posting daily, but word count and time posted may vary.
May 29, 2017
11:11 PM
Signing off,