My name is Camoran Morey. I live in NYC .The part I live in has a lot of crime.Every time I hear the ambulance I cry. Don't get me wrong I'm not a cry baby I cry for the people hurt and their families. Even if the person was a bad person .I don't think no no one deserves to be hurt. But if u come to me strange I'll whop that a**. I really don't have a family. My mom died do to internal bleeding. No one knows how she just got really sick.The sad thing about is I was mad at her cuz I couldn't go to the mall. She said she loved me and I said whatever. You don't know how bad I felt. My dad is a drug lord he is the biggest drug dealer in NYC . When I was 12 I was rapped by my uncle. The scary thing is he was my favorite uncle. A week after the rape I got my period. That was 4 years ago I'm now 16. That's my life.All Rights Reserved