This short story is about a student named Ace who is studying civil engineering at a prestigious school. Despite her passion for the subject, she is struggling to keep up with the demands of the school and her grades are slipping. She is determined to succeed but the pressure of the school's high expectations and the constant competition with her classmates is taking its toll on her. Her self-esteem is plummeting and she feels like she is constantly struggling to keep up. Despite her struggles, she refuses to give up and continues to study and work hard. However, her grades remain stubbornly low. Finally, she decides to transfer to a different school. The new school is a breath of fresh air, the professors are supportive, and the students are less competitive. She finally feels like she belongs and her grades begin to improve. With the help of her new teachers and classmates, she is able to catch up on her studies and pass her major subjects. She graduates with honors and lands a job at a top engineering firm. The story showcases the theme of determination, persistence, and the importance of never giving up on one's dreams.