Family had been a sore spot for all four of them, so what happens when a mystical incident forces them to function as one, and learn how to heal together? Well, until the shit really hits the fan that is...
Phil, "the father:" blessed by lady death herself he had been around for hundreds of years, though always strikingly alone. A secretive man who refused to let anyone under his skin.
Wilbur, "the eldest:" the villagers called him "street rat." As far back as he could remember he had been alone, stealing whatever he could just to survive.
Technoblade, "the middle child:" fighting in arenas since he was old enough to hold a sword, he had finally broken out with the help of his patron saint's blessing. He had since vowed to dedicate everything he had to his god.
Tommy, "the youngest:" thrown out of his home for his "lack of faith," he was done with religion. Any gods who gave a damn about their worshippers would never let children suffer for things they couldn't change. The teen harboured a dark and mystical secret from the world, one he hoped to keep until the end of time.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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