Harry Potter, a twenty-two year old detective has been getting nightmares about a specific boy who would love him, be there for him, please him, then when the happy ending was coming, he'd get stabbed in the back.
Now Harry had told his friends about this nightmare, how he had been getting repeatedly but he got nothing out of them but a shrug.
This drove Harry mad how he got no answer out of them, how he had drawn so many pictures of this man but had never met him before, never knew a single thing about him.
That was when Harry got called into the police office for an investigation about a unknown man going on a killing spree. When seeing pictures of the man caught on security cameras, Harry couldn't believe himself, it was the man in his dreams, but, that couldn't have been true. Right?
Harry couldn't possibly fall in love with a criminal, but then, what was those dreams about?