The story follows the reunion of Rose and Hasnain, at a wedding ceremony. After a painful 'love to hatred past, both have to stay in the same house with their friends and cousins of the wedding couple. Hasnain is now in a serious relationship with Genevieve, and the 'reverted to Islam' Rose struggles to hide her feelings for him because Hasnain dominantly, strictly, and hatefully commands her not to reveal their past to Genevieve, and she agrees, but as time passes, Rose finds it hard to resist her attraction towards him.
Although Hasnain is serious about his and Genevieve's relationship, he finds himself drawn to Rose once again as they constantly come into contact, through the accidental touch of skins, looking away after deliberate eye contact and getting stuck together in different situations by Nature. Not Realising it, Hasnain starts to feel jealous when Rose talks to other men especially one of the groom's cousin who has the exact same flirty and funny personality that Hasnain, once used to have but it faded after the final fight between Roe and Hasnain in Paris, turning him into a serious, hard working man who only showed his soft, extremely-romantic side, to Genevieve.
Despite his prior dislike for Rose Weber, he begins to fall for Rose again without realizing it. The novel explores the challenges and tragedies that arise as the wedding festivities proceed.
Now that she Found God in Paris, Will Rose Weber be able to Find Hasnain Zaviyar in Pakistan? Will Genevieve be Hasnain Zaviyar's last Stop? Or is Rose still alive, breathing warmly in the frozen memories of Hasnain's heart? .
Unlock the answer to the last line by Clicking the 'Read' button. A story of Burak-Ellen, Asad-Sophie, Faith-Hadi, Rose-Hasnain and Yishq Roy
Welcome to
"In front of the Mirror, Volume 2: Finding Him."
A Rom-Com, Enemies to Lovers Novel
By S.Bukhari
Ever wonder, what if you get married to your fiance's twin brother?
"I got wet in the rain but you get the fever instead. Is it like those cheesy romantic novels in which the wife gets bruised after the husband gets beaten? Or did you also enjoy the rain by getting wet in it?" He said.
"I did. I like the rain," she murmured, showing eyes to him.
"And I like the sunshine after it. The cute, angry, and gorgeous sunshine," he said, sitting beside her on the bed.
"I don't know who made you a doctor. You should have been in an institute teaching everyone how to flirt with girls," she snarled at which he laughed loudly.
"I am just flirting with my girl, mind it," he whispered sensually shifting his hand from her forehead to her cheek and gently caressing it.
"Have you ever tried to break your boundaries, sunshine? Yearned to do something which you have forbidden on yourself. Hmm?" He asked.
Yes?" She unknowingly replied.
This guy was making her crazy and she despite trying her best was falling for him more and more.
He snickered. So she was finally accepting the name he gave her.
"You are very beautiful," he said, truthfully.
Start Date: 29.11.2020
Started Rewriting: 14.06.2023
End Date: 05.09.2023