In the glittering world of Beverly Hills, Diane Ashford lives a life of luxury, control, and carefully managed relationships. Married to the powerful Charles Ashford, Diane finds herself caught in a web of conflicting emotions as her husband's charismatic nephew, Aiden Palmer, returns, stirring feelings she thought long buried. Aiden, on the verge of leaving his reckless past behind, becomes entangled in a complex triangle, with Diane at the center of it all and Maya, his uncle's stepdaughter, vying for his attention. Torn between loyalty, lust, and guilt, the Ashford family navigates secrets, forbidden desires, and the line between power and betrayal.
Riley's world shatters when her boss and secret lover, Hayden Mitchell, announces his engagement with Emma Thorne. Determined to break free from his manipulative grasp, she vows to move on. But as she tries to rebuild her life, Hayden's relentless interference makes it nearly impossible. Will finding new love help Riley finally escape Hayden's clutches or is her heart destined to beat for him forever?