The older sister of the children mentioned in one of my poems, which was called Moth And The Death Theories. Buttons is her name. She seems so sweet,cute,and has a good attitude. Though, be very careful not to let that fool you! Buttons enjoys messing with peoples heads and is very insidious. She even has flies in her hair for barrettes. Last,this long eared,spotted eared,button eyed ,winged little rag doll dragon is a witch!!Oh and a rag doll dragon is a creature that is half rag doll half dragon. Anyway, this poem I whipped up for you guys is about buttons and her assistant,Bubble broth,making a broth that taste so good,you will beg for more. In fact,its so good,you'll live with her as her slave and have no intention of going home,just so you can get more of buttons broth!!