In a seemingly ordinary town, a trio of teenage friends, Jayden, Kate, and Ryan, stumble upon a hidden secret beneath one of the many abandoned building -a mysterious laboratory filled with vials of enigmatic serums. Little do they know that this discovery will thrust them into a web of intrigue and danger they never could have imagined.
As they investigate the lab and its secrets, they begin to uncover a sinister plot that threatens their city's very existence. Strange occurrences at school and bizarre behavior from their teachers only deepen the mystery. The trio's friendship is put to the test as they confront otherworldly transformations, a puppeteer pulling the strings from the shadows, and a malevolent experiment that could unleash unimaginable power.
With each revelation, they inch closer to the heart of the conspiracy, yet the more they learn, the more dangerous their journey becomes. As they navigate a world of treacherous traps and cryptic clues, their bond is tested, and the lines between ally and adversary blur.
The fate of their city rests in their hands, but can they unravel the truth before it's too late? In a thrilling tale of mystery, friendship, and the pursuit of the unknown, Jayden, Kate, and Ryan must confront their darkest fears and discover the true meaning of courage as they race against time to save their home from a malevolent force that threatens to consume everything they hold dear.
Based off project 863 By Matthias
Started [3/4/23]
Revised [10/1/23]
A well known Company called Syntec decided to expand their experiments after the successful experiments on rats.
Freja has been chosen to take part of this experiment, but she was not expecting that she has to fight everyone to get one single antidote.
Will it be worth it? How many people does she have to betray to get to the top? Find out if she successfully got the antidote or remained as lab rat.
*This story is inspired by Project: 863 by Matthias on YouTube
Ranked #14 in Project863
Ranked #9 in 863