A young boy named Val is living in his own hell, through all the beatings he got he feels nothing. He calls himself emotionless. Although he can not express feelings he can feel them
within, the pain and agony hidin' within' him. He lost the sparkle in his eyes, What used be lovely and vibrant is not dull and dead. On rare occasions he let's his emotion slip
A psycho named Yuki likes to torture people now he is not the one to hurt the innocent, but he finds it fun to toy with then. He tortures people who betray and lie to him, or so say even make him mad. He loves blood and hearing people scream bloody murderer. He has a dark past, maybe this dark past is what made the monster he is now. People call him a monster, heartless! But a young boy names Val turned his whole life upside down.
(I have a busy life so updates will take abnormally long, sorry not sorry)