From the Moment you realize that life is full of cheaters and liers, then the Art of Cheating will reveal you the true colors of everyone in your Surroundings. Many years Ago Chautoue were put in the crowded place full of many different cheaters that will test his ability to descern who is the real cheaters of them all. At the begining of his journey in getting to know the different systems and method of cheating; he found out that there were advance cheaters and advance languages of cheating in many different forms. Along those side of category he discovers so many motions of all kinds and layers in communicative cheating habits. Cheating Art is one of the Book Serries that were Authored and Created by Emologist RTS who founded, Creator and Author of Cheating Languages And Communications. He Created it to help those people who wanted to know the real colors of a cheaters and the results of those cheating habits that every cheaters had been doing in life. Cheating can damage or destroy you but it can also help you reach the life you wanted to live.Cheating Art has so many different levels and usage depending on how you will used it in your life. You may used it for the good of human life or you may used it to destroy life. Most of the time Cheating were used in destroying life especially on the side of relationship. Never in history of relationship that a cheating activity created a good outcome to those person that were cheated by their Partners and All those who cheated on their partner never says that they were the reason of the broken relationship. They always blame the partner that they had cheated on. And worse of it they will always make ways to make their partner feel guilty of why they cheated on them. That is how the Cheating languages were used in the relationship. On the other part of Cheating Relationship those who cheat with their partners had used their cheat codes to stay away of being caught by their partners that is how they do for Safety.All Rights Reserved