The story revolves around a young collage student Todoroki Shoto. He lives a peaceful life but what he isn't aware of is that he's being stalked. Shoto is living a happy life finally away from his abusive family but that all goes to hell when he meets a stranger. However that so called stranger has known Shoto for much longer then the other knows. What happens when that same man kiddnaps him and tries to force his love onto Shoto? How terrifying and crule can someone be out of love? *!WARNINGS!* -This story is trying to represent how much a pearson can endure (mentally and fisically) -It is my goal to make this as revolting and messed up as possible. -Most likely a bad ending. -Everything in this is morally wrong and should not be acted upon. -i do not support any actions in this however i do find it fascinating that people are capable of doing something so disgusting -i'll rry to keep it as real as possible(meaning no super powers, no sudden 'i fixed him' moments) !*THIS STORY CONTAINS*! -R@pe -violance -stalking -kiddnaping -drug/alchocol use -starving -manipulating -cursing -slight age gap (Shoto 22 Midoriya 24) -sex -k!lling -obssesive tendencies - suicidal tendencies - suicide attempt -detailed descriptions of gory scenes -toxic relationship -struggles with self love - threats with guns/knifes/su!cide -bdsm *the characters don't belong to me!! They're from an anime mha created by Horikoshi. Only the plot is mine*