In a household where the genes for bipolar run in their parents, walking on eggshells is a sport that all four Sorensen siblings have mastered.
Marie dreams of defying her fate of becoming her parents. With evidence of bipolar tendencies, Marie fears for her future. She can't help but fall into a bad crowd that can supply her with drugs to keep the edge off. Although she has a soft spot for her siblings, she doesn't associate with them much at school to prevent them into falling to the level she has.
Sang dreams of finding her happy ending, even in a household that stomps on dreams. She keeps to herself, containing her thoughts and words to a group of friends that truly love and care for the pink-obsessed blonde. As a sheltered young woman, she doesn't understand some societal and social norms, outcasting her from some of the groups created in her school. Although, she can always have a listening ear presented to her by her twin.
Sabine dreams of ending her story soon. With a psychiatrist that is heavy on the prescriptions, Sabine's capacity to feel is extremely limited, causing her to be numb to most things around her. Her diagnoses and genetics cause mixed reactions from the medications prescribed to her, causing a few medical issues to present themselves. She tries to protect and providing for her siblings because helping others is easier than helping yourself.
Matty dreams of a better life for his siblings. Seeing his older sisters struggle with being teenagers, and being in such a crappy household, makes him try his best to be a great younger siblings. Being a jokester and helping around the house is his love language, and as his parents' soft spot, he makes his best attempts to maintain them from causing more problems. Although the task is hard, his siblings do their best to repay him.
Now, what happens when a group of transfer students insert themselves into the Sorensons' lives?
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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