"Bella's pupils" and "Surviving Seb"
11 parti Completa We are friends and some of Bella' Moon Morten deafblind pupils. Apart from Alberta We were also all children of rape. Even though Ansel wasn't aware of this and feels ever so cut up when she found out. But it explained why her mother sent her away to be Educated. Alberta's father didn't rape her. He was just a complete jerk who wanted Alberta and her triplet sisters dead. Alberta mother still has a written argument in block capital with a lot of exclamation marks. Everything was written since Alberta's father wouldn't learn any sign language and Alberta's mother is Deaf . She doesn't lip read. So all their brief conversation were written on napkins. We are also all twins , triplets or septuplets. But many children were during the war. The demons were forever breeding us in litters. Ansel is the eldest at 23, Alberta is 21, Ursula, Ruby, Lisa, Rani are 16 and I am 14.
Our degree of deafblindness also varies: Ursula and Ansel are completely Deafblind. Alberta is deaf and partially sighted. Rani Ruby and I are blind and hard of hearing And Lisa is hard of hearing and partially sighted.