It is a book that will have chapters of my life, my out look on the issues that are causing this world to loose its mind. On how I want to run for vice president seperate from the presidential election. There is no rule says it not illegal of you look at the constitution.
I have been studing and developingmy skills to become the leader that this country need to lead the people through this mess.
It will show how i have come up with simple solutions to complex problems. Most of these issues in these times can be resolved without government intervention but government oversite.
I have several plans for the energy crises, food and famine crisis, and I have worked on projects that have developed smaller and inner city business for over a decade.
I have been in more court room taking on big business personlly. I have run up against million dollar firms and have been sucdesfull in gettinga lawyer disbared for malpractice.
I have a even outlook toward politics and have dedveloped plans that will be a give and take for both sides of the isle.
Plans will be laid out in each chapter regaurding topics like
oil and Co2 immitions
fixing the political system
the beginning of the juditial nad police reform
and cooling the overall temperature of people in general