This book contains drugs, guns, murder, fighting, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, rape, racism, and other adult themes with in it... But chances are you already knew that if you're not new to Black Lagoon Haha.
Roanapur, the city of the dead come call it, controlled by Gansters, and Mafia organizations, Criminals, cricked cops, and abandoned by all forms of government presence, and military presence. Drugs, Guns, Sex, and Money... That's what determines your statues in the city... What determines how long you'll survival in the city. And determines how large of a target you become... "So shut up, keep your mouth shut, and stay in the shadows, because we don't like knights and shining armors round here." Within the city, we find ourselves targeting our sights onto a recently escaped boy, who's been trafficked in a human sex trafficking ring since 13. Shawn Cole Aliev... Or... What Gansters call him today... Silver Lightning Rode. We'll come back to why that name was gained later. Shawn... Or Bitch boy 7 dash 1 as his captures called him for years. Was kidnapped from his parents right in a grocery store at 13, and threw into trafficking rings that took him from Kazakhstan where he was born, and raised up to then, to all around the world being sold, and resold all the way from Iran to Peru... a total of 13 countries he was sent through and sold into new hands and ownership... Till eventually ending up in Roanapur at age 18...