Enter the seemingly average world of teenager Aleyson Hera Carver, a 17-year-old girl with ambitions, of which are soon to be realized, far beyond her given years. Aleyson believes, as do the sane minds among us, that she lives in a one-dimensional world. For it is the only world that she and those around her have ever known, therefore, what would cause her to believe otherwise?
Secondly, enter the deceptively average world of teenager Logan Kemerick, a 17-year-old boy, whose purpose has been bestowed upon him by another. Logan lives in the world alongside a seemingly average girl, whom he discerns is the answer to his given purpose. However, said purpose, nor Logan himself, aren't exactly as they seem.
In a different world, the World Below, creatures bestowing elemental powers exist and roam. However, these creatures are not so different from you or me. They may attend high school. Seek out love. Use their instincts and wits to survive.
And when survival for one creature involves the commitment of Aleyson Hera Carver, a human girl abruptly stripped from her familiar life, what will become of her? When, as quickly as a lighter ignites a flame, she is taken into a world of her nightmares, a world surrounded by fire and ash. When all she has is Logan Kemerick, who bestows upon her his purpose.
Henceforth, Aleyson Carver is essentially proclaimed as the solution to end a great war. However, such war is not one of an earthly nature, but rather one of inhuman origin. Her sense of reality is corrupted, and all that she previously thought true is being tried as a lie. What would she have to do with a war? What was the World Below, and what secrets was it keeping? Why was she truly here?
To Aleyson, it all began as a nightmare. Or, to be more specific: a nightmare in reality.
-BOOK ONE OF THE CURSED SERIES- Born with the gift of fire powers, Elara Thatcher struggles with betrayal, revenge, love, school and family. All that and she's trying to hide from many people trying to kill her.
After a chain of tragic events happen Elara faces the curses and villains, making history. But one question still haunts her dreams, "Am I the villain?"
It probably seems like a very innocent book in the first few chapters but it gets WAY worse. Read the tags to find out. :)
It also might seem a little boring at the start (IT GETS BETTER I SWEAR 😭)
I had to rewrite it so most of the chapters will say Coming soon.
Warnings: Language, Sex, Romance, Action, Smoking, Substance Abuse, Drinking, Teen partying, Violence, Blood and Gore :)