Following that New Year's day that he drew the sword from the stone, Wart, now known by his true name of Arthur, has assumed the role of King of all England. However, his troubles have only just begun. Arthur is now faced with the very real responsibilities of ruling a country, and it is going to take more than the bombastic knowlege and magic of Merlin, the world's most powerful wizard. Meet friends new and old as the good King Arthur comes of age and faces a destiny that he never could have known or ask for as he fights terrible villains from vicious brigands, a certain scraggly wolf, and creatures of unparalleled magic as ghosts of the past return to haunt the present in this sequel to one of Disney's most timeless classics, The Sword in the Stone. (Based the original works written by T.H White and the Disney movie.)
Writer's note: to those that may have known of the deviantart handle Sureshot9593 where this story was originally posted many years ago, or Savagethewolverine where it is currently posted, I am indeed the same writer, and I have still been working on this. This is not plagiarized from someone else's work, nor am I making any sort of profit. But by all means enjoy.
He was about to destroy the corrupted grail like his father once did before him, however he is hit by an attack, the now evil grail falls to the hands of an ancient enemy. Knowing they can do nothing to intervene directly Gaia and Alaya fearing for the world send him to the past to deal with the ancient monster. He is sent to a world filled with magic, knights and kings. What happens then?
Read to find out.
I don't own anything that is Fate related