Ah, The Stanley Parable. One of your favourite games. It's stunning! It's perfect down to every single point and pixel, but what if it was real? What if everything you experienced in The Stanley Parable, was a real experience? Everything down to the bone, was really real. Really, really real. Well, that would be crazy, huh?
You're being serious?
Y/N becomes so invested in The Stanley Parable (who wouldn't) to the point where one night, they end up falling asleep, and wake up at a very familiar looking desk, and hear a very familiar sounding Narrator who makes their heart flutter.
This contains mention of Depression, and su1cid3 later in the story. If you are at all sensitive to these things, I suggest not reading. If you are at all suffering from depression, you may not want to read this, and just know that you do matter know matter what. If you need help just always know that anyone will always be there for you at anytime.
Also, I do not own any of these characters (I don't even own you!), They all belong to the rightful owner and creator/game studio.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
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