February 21 Word Comprehension There were scads and scores of words that I had at my command. I could command them that was a fact; comprehend them that was an illusion. My sponsor had every confidence in me and started my word comprehension lessons with the tough ones first: “No,” she would ask, “What don’t you understand the Nnnnnn part or the OHhhhhh part?” Took me sometime to catch on to words deep as that. Serenity that I learned through living Braille. Learned it like any hungry child, by taste. Learned it like learning the ocean as you swim in it. Serenity is my ballast and my bail, as for peace, all I can say is: No comprehension, no peace; Know comprehension, know peace. Re-pattern fear * SEAM ALLOWANCES The space, given and taken. The space used to bind and sew us fast. The permission for humanness And the need for seams to make us whole. The narrow margin is a shoulder on which I lean. Slender strip, a place of refuge. Darts are shaped to hug the curves, I bend to fit to life. Our nearness, being my own part and part of more, Planning and a pattern, cut to order, With allowances made for fraying and fragility, Allow me to feel woven into a web of what is And still hope for more The unfinished garment taking shape Easing and stretching And before my eyes Pins held between the teeth of God. You are reading selections from More Sober on the Way to Sane and Lines From My Life by Sherrie Theriault http://www.amazon.com/More-Sober-The-Way-Sane/dp/144141231X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1374072329&sr=8-3&keywords=sober+on+the+way+to+sane http://www.amazon.com/Lines-My-Life-Sherrie-Theriault/dp/1448652820/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374072576&sr=1-1&keywords=Lines+from+my+life%2C+Sherrie+theriaultAll Rights Reserved
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