Hi Everyone! this is not a story but this is a freedom wall i made this for personal purposes:)), whenever i feel to rant or open up my feelings to everyone just to express how i feel i will write it here. i think this is helpful to everyone who want to let go to all of their thoughts and to express their mind without talking to everyone but still feel the presence of people i made this just to help some people like me to express themselves without any harm. I accept any messages just pm my fb account, i only post it if it cannot harm or reveal others identity and if has no content of criticizing someone or offend or express hateful words it's up to you if you want to reveal your identity, or just want to reveal just initial, or just none i hope i can help people like me who just want to express their toxic or complicated thoughts. maybe some people will find it funny or nonsense but i think i can help myself this way Fb:simple hiraethAll Rights Reserved