"Everyone's heard of Sicario out here. The mercenary group that was hired by Cascadia to fight the Federation during their war for independence. Hell, half the Periphery signed up when their leader came looking for backup after the Ring of Fire ignited." Leading up to Cascadia's final push towards Presidia news had spread around that the Sicario mercenary group was looking for all able-bodied pilots in the Periphery. Many answered the call, having heard the rumors that the Federation was on their last legs in the region. "Half my squadron signed right up! Broke their contracts and flew north. Those of us who stayed cheered when the ceasefire was called. But..." Many of those who flew to Cascadia never returned. Either downed during the Siege of Presidia or Crimson 1s attack thereafter. Those left in the Periphery didn't have the numbers to maintain their contracts. The Jobs suddenly too dangerous for the pilots to take on. Many flew north, looking for work with those rebuilding Cascadia. Some sought revenge on the Federation. Comet Squadron was hit especially hard by the battle of Presidia. Unable to live off contracts they are pushed ever closer to becoming the privateers they've been fighting. Until a charismatic man comes wandering onto base with a choice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All Rights Reserved