"Boys!" a voice bellowed, making all four of us stop dead in our tracks. Michael slid slowly off Ashton's back, letting the egg slide down his cheek, Ashton stopped jumping on the couch, lowering the hand that was aimed to throw a handful of cereal at Luke. Luke shook his head, making tomato sauce and flour splat along the kitchen floor and wall, whilst I jumped down off the kitchen counter, lowering the tomato sauce which was originally positioned over Luke's head. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"
You could say it wasn't exactly the best idea having a food fight approximately 7 minutes before our manager was due to come 'round, but hey! We like to live dangerously. Well, we used to.
You see, after this little incident, we were basically forced into fostering a child. For 6 months. But of course we had to be difficult and chose a little girl who was a package deal. So we were stuck with her little brother too.
Throw in some energetic, stubborn, and sassy girls, and we got ourselves one big, crazy, dysfunctional family.
All the while, no one could stop themselves asking, How did we end up here?
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