En cours d'écriture, Publié initialement déc. 08, 2012
Waaaaaaaa' cried Sara. Sara had been crying since 2am and it's now 5am. I have tried to calm her by singing to her, giving her a bottle and dummy, rocking her in my arms and feeding her some mushed vegetables but nothing seems to work. I try to think of an explanation... Could it be wind because it is natural for a new born baby to get wind..isn't it? But it doesn't go for 3hrs straight.. Surely? Maybe it could be that the room is to hot or stuffy. I go and ask mum if it is ok to take her to the park down the road and she says yes if it will stop her crying. So I place her carefully in her pram with her teddy and stare in her wet tired eyes lovingly. I love her to death more than anyone else although they think they do. So I stroll her out and we walk to a park close by and sit on a seat and take Sara out and put her on my lap and show her some ducks flying by and she giggles. She places her head down on my chest in her blanket and she closes her yes and curls up like a ball. Finally some peace and quiet! So I tilt my head back and close my eyes and listen to some birds chattering away when behind me I hear a growl from a dog or something and I immediately jumped up with a sleeping baby locked in my hands. I turn around and see this giant wolf with red eyes, grey fur and a big scar on its forehead staring angrily into my eyes.