Set in a medieval-inspired world, one family faces threats from both man and the gods alike. Where evil schemes and the thirst for blood lingers, they soon find that darkness comes in many forms.
Ludica, the king of Faermire, has spent years creating a legacy for his three children. But when the death of a rival king fuels rumors of conflict throughout the land, he soon finds that threats to his reign are brewing both within and without his own borders.
And though Gwenora, the widowed queen, offers him a treaty after her husband's death, they both find that such an alliance could ignite a rebellion from within their own ranks.
Meanwhile, Ludica's eldest children, Beowyn and Estrith, uncover evidence of their uncle and stepmother's involvement in a plot to usurp their father's throne. But in revealing the truth, they must come to terms with the unintended consequences.
When the world as they know it begins to crumble around them; threats to their reign, treasonous alliances, and murderous plots abound, Ludica and the others must look to each other to defend their places in the world of Aecorath or risk the possibility of losing everything -and everyone-that they love.
***Introducing the first 3 chapters of Tabitha Min's novel which will be released 3/14/23***