Hi! I'm Kerri Bold. Ever since I've read this book series called "The Hunger Games" I've been going nuts. I can't go without a book for more than 12 hours and when I'm not reading, I'm writing a fanfic, screaming (or crying), or on the Internet. Otherwise, I'm getting my oh so important 5 hours of sleep. Some people say that I'm in a "fandom" or that I'm a "fangirl" and I'm just now finding out what those are. I eventually did. Fan•dom: 1 : all the fans 2 : the state or attitude of being a fan Fan•girl: a girl or woman who is an extremely or overly enthusiastic fan of someone or something Yes. I am in a fandom. And I am a fangirl. And there is a whole internet full of them. Read my diary (you have permission) and find out this journey of being a fangirl. Tip: never become one if you have a social life or if you have any love for yourself because I swear that this will not be good for your health. Or heart. It hits you in the feels. You'll find out what those are in the diary.
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