We are introduced to the world of My Hero Academia, where people with extraordinary abilities known as Quirks live and work alongside those without. The protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, is a young man who dreams of becoming a hero despite not having a Quirk of his own. When a great evil threatens the world in the form of an army of 10,000,000 villains, All Might turns to Izuku and asks him to take on this task, despite the odds against him. With determination in his heart, Izuku steps forward and faces the army alone, using all the skills he has learned and the power of his spirit to fight the villains. Despite the odds, he takes down each of the 10,000,000 villains one by one, inspiring the heroes and civilians watching from the sidelines and becoming a true hero. In the end, Izuku is hailed as a hero across the world and is remembered as a symbol of hope in a world filled with darkness.