In the mystical realm of the White Kingdom, citizens begin to awaken extraordinary magical powers - and some even twice, with enough determination. This surge of supernatural abilities unsettles the ruling class, who initiate a dark era of witch hunts. Amidst this chaos, young Raymond discovers his own magical prowess and flees the relentless Inquisition to seek refuge in the far-off land of Sinlad - a haven for sages and merchants alike.
Nayana, who has long dreamt of motherhood, finds her husband Severigo unwilling to bring a child into their world during such tumultuous times. Instead, they provide sanctuary to the fugitive Raymond. Through adopting him, Nayana's longing for a son is fulfilled, while Severigo, an esteemed stargazer and perceptive man of science, finds a fascinating subject to study in Raymond's unusual abilities. Under Severigo's tutelage, Raymond experiences a second awakening, and the possibility of an unprecedented third awakening emerges, promising phenomenal power.
However, their harmonious existence is fleeting. With great power comes a heavy burden. As Raymond unlocks new abilities, he spirals into a labyrinth of illusions and visions, losing his grip on reality. Simultaneously, rival sages launch a merciless pursuit of the prodigious child, and barbarian hordes threaten to obliterate Sinlad from existence.
The tale unfolds in three gripping acts, each chronicling the first, second, and third awakenings of Raymond's magical gifts. The narrative transports readers from the odyssey of a lost boy to his exhilarating escapades in the ancient land of Sinlad, where reason and common sense reign supreme. The story culminates in a dramatic finale teeming with conflict and madness, as the world's first archmage engages in a desperate struggle against the unforgiving world of humanity.
"I hope my history just disappears."
There he was, living a not-so carefree life, normal and literally magical.
You were somehow secretly kept in a dark box, assured with safety, yet, everything slowly came to light, giving an unacceptable and unreasonable feeling. Surrounded by lies? Knives? Or faint and hurtful memories?
It rarely became a part of someone's life. Unfortunately, Barry lived like that.
You have to move on your own, depend on your own...
Now, defend your own.