In the gritty underbelly of New York City, amidst the clamor of the bustling streets, lies the gripping story of Issac, an 18-year-old Puerto Rican orphan caught in the merciless grip of a ruthless gang. As a bisexual youth, he grapples with his identity in a world where vulnerability is seen as weakness, and where the streets offer little solace.
"Hoodlums" takes you on a journey through the heart of chaos and conflict as Issac desperately yearns for a way out of the life of crime he's been ensnared in since childhood. Raised by the streets, he faces a relentless struggle to unearth his true self, balancing the expectations of his gang family with his own quest for authenticity.
Amidst the chaos, Issac encounters a potential love interest, Gustavo, a kindred spirit with secrets of his own. Their connection blooms in the most unlikely of places, offering a glimmer of hope and a chance at a better life. Yet, just as it seems like they might escape the clutches of their pasts, a single cataclysmic event sends shockwaves through their world.
Will Issac and Gustavo find the strength to break free from the cycle of violence and crime? Or will the life they've known continue to pull them back into its unforgiving embrace?
In this powerful coming-of-age story, readers will be drawn into a world of complex characters, where the quest for self-discovery collides with the unforgiving realities of the streets. Can love conquer all, or will the shadows of the past forever haunt these young souls?