33 parti Completa Per adultiAriella doesn't want to love a human, they have ruined her world, tried to steal from her, taken those she loved away from her and made her life difficult on a regular basis. Rogues still roam the planet, avoiding detection and hounding the family property with constant attacks. One little prophecy keeps the Mordecai family in the rogues sights, continuing their efforts to return control of the planet to the humans.
Ariella doesn't want to love a dark being either. They too have ruined her world, lying and cheating on her. Some of those men from her past can be ignored, avoided by choice. But there are some that she can not avoid. There is one from her past that she wished she never had to look at again. He might be her past but he is her present too, creating inner turmoil for Ariella. Social functions and elder meetings have always been hell for Ariella, having to face the one man she wished she could plunge a stake into. Lucian Eliade Leonte. As the son of the ruler of the realm, her former boyfriend is always going to be a part of her social circle, always going to be a part of her life.
In her eighty-five years of life, all Ariella has ever wanted was to be loved by someone who would do the right thing by her. But the men that had entered her life had taken a knife to her world, twisting it in her heart and causing grief. Sworn off all men, she now lives her love life through her feeding. Never exposing herself, never letting her guard down. Her frozen heart is rock hard, never to be broken. At least, that was what she hoped. One slave bought for duties at her family residence will change how Ariella lives her life.
Can the slave break through the facade of a domineering, cold hearted woman to be the love of her life? Or will he be like all the men before him, becoming a liar and a thief?
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