This is where you wake up to the sound of elevator Music, you slowly sit up from the cold ground and look around. The door opened and your faced with a , mostly normal looking room. You soon understand you must get keys and unlock certain doors, search the drawers and deal with monsters. think they're monsters, but why do they look so..human?
This story will based off human versions of the doors entity's. This beautiful work is from imsanlee on TikTok and instagram from what I know of.
The reader POV will be Female, apologies as I'm so used to only writing female povs, feel free to imagine any of your personal details if you desire.
And I'm a hœ for chub, so imagine the reader with a little chub or big chub, it's up to you. And thank you! Oh, did I mention this is a bit of a lemon? 🍋