Cupids, we've all heard of them, but they're believed to be just a myth, right? Well, they're real! Well, I should say we're real since I'm a cupid too. You humans really have the story about us cupids messed up so let me give you a bit of a background. Us cupids have our own society and our own system that consists of six ranks. There are the trainees, who are cupids in training; the normal cupids, which is self-explanatory; the trainer cupids, who are the go-to cupids when you have a question, regardless of rank; the manager cupids who take care of minor groups; the agents who are a bit more advanced and sophisticated than normal cupids; and head cupids, who are in charge of everything. We all go down to earth to do our jobs and some of us are sent on missions along with what we regularly do. Some of us are sent for missions more than others and some of us are hardly ever at the base because of that. Aside from that, life for a cupid is pretty good and free, but we do have our rules, the most important being "Never fall in love with a human". It's reasonably simple, but still, some of us can't help it and because of that, we are ranked as a rouge cupid, stripped of our Cupid-ly powers and exiled. Well, now that you have a background, let's start this story!
Our friendship had only lasted a month, then he was gone.
I accepted it and moved on with my life having greater things to worry about.
Suddenly after one year he comes back proposing, literally, a ridiculous offer that I can't refuse.
A year ago I had to leave her.
It's been 365 days and everyday I've lived it with the purpose of making my world safe enough for her.
Enemies are still out there but I have full intention of using every resource and power available to protect her so now I've come to collect her.
With a marriage contract in hand and 365 million dollars to convince her, I make her on offer she can't refuse.
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Alaric's POV
"Make sure you stay inside the lines." She orders me well flipping to the next page of her magazine. I look up, ready to glare at her, only to find she's happily humming, her eyes skimming the page. Unable to control myself, I see my body moving to do what she's asked.
"What color did you say you want?" I ask, looking at the shit ton of nail polishes. She draws her eyes away from the magazine to meet mine. I find that I love the feel of her eyes on me; find myself doing what she wants simply to make her happy.
She looks at the colors and I look at her. She brings the pink one "What do you think?" I nod in agreement taking it from her, lingering my fingers on her's for longer then needed. I sit on the coffee table, opposite of her, bringing her foot to my lap.