One a planet where dragons, knights and other mystical creatures lived in harmony and the planet itself was ruled by the King Of Knights Alfred who was supervised by his best friend, Blaster Blade. After the invasion conducted by the Link Joker clan, led by Chaos Breaker dragon, most of the royal paladin knights became Liberators and joined the ranks of the Gold Paladins. All seemed well for the planet until one day...............
The eyes of the dragon lord snapped open, the leader of the kagero clan, Dragonic Overlord sensed something was wrong, he stood up and saw the United Sanctuary, it looked normal at first and when he looked closer, he was filled with shock, he saw that the ruler of the Gold and Royal paladins walking down the street was not The King Of Knights himself or his rival Blaster Blade, instead he saw one with golden clad armor and one hooded one standing beside him, the Over Lord has to find out!