"The World of Witches and Magic" is a tale of six powerful witches who come together to protect the magical community from an impending threat. Adira, Aria, Seraphine, Luna, Raven, and Willow must use their unique abilities and work together to overcome obstacles and defeat the enemy.
Along the way, the witches form deep friendships and navigate complex romantic relationships. Their trust in each other is tested as they face challenges and make difficult decisions.
The book is filled with thrilling action, poignant dialogue, and magical adventures. It explores themes of love, friendship, trust, and the power of the natural world. With a diverse and dynamic cast of characters, The World of Witches and Magic is a captivating and inspiring read for all fans of the supernatural.
*** Completed***
Luna Greyson has never believed in fairytale creatures or mystical places. That is until she met Zac. In a whirlwind of events, she found herself in a dark dimension where her worst fears come to life. She has to learn to fight tooth and nail for her life and the lives of her friends who are in there with her. Friendships will be tested, hearts will be broken and no lives are guaranteed.
~Rewrite completed~