Dave, aka King Furry II, Lord of Furriness, Legend, Sir Puppington, Davide von Sjokoladen, Saviour of the Universe, presents: his adventures as King of the Road, Protector of his Hoomans, and very fearsome guard dog who runs from the cats who invade his garden.
Alongside his costar, Bettie, the yellow Labrador from IKEA, Dave will embark on a rollercoaster journey of discovery of the wider world, meeting new people, new toys, new games... everything the world has to throw at him.
But how will the Saviour of the Universe fare with a normal lifestyle like this? Will he embrace the challenge of normality or will he shy away from the strange new things the hoomans introduce him to?
... My dog is not allowed an Instagram account so he gets this instead XD Enjoy!
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