Brother and sister (Tommy and Ella) along with the rest of the tenants living in their small apartment building, have been abandoned and left to defend for themselves during a horrific war ravaging their country.
Fifteen year old Tommy made it his mission to distract much younger Ella from the sounds of bombs and cries for help by persuading his neighbours to play pretend it's Ella's favourite holiday, Halloween. (Even though it's summer)
As they Trick'or'Treat their way through the hauntingly decorated halls of their apartment building and meeting their neighbours in monster masks, Tommy soon realizes those who appear monstrous are more human then the actual humans raiding their country.
Will he preserver by tricking Ella that the only thing to be afraid of are the fake monsters than the monsters leaving their country in ruins? Or will the invaders come to learn they forgot an apartment building full of tenants?
The stakes are high in 'Dead End,' read to follow along in Tommy and Ella's journey!