In 2012, teenagers Aaron, Snow, John and patrick, soar through the air, piercing and slicing through the wind as it blew through their hair. freedom. unchanging. astonishing. their lives were perfect. they didn't know how they were made this way with wings, just woke up in a white, bed with scientists running back and forth. as they flew to Michigan, Aaron, the leader, felt hazy, his vision fuzzy, the world spun in a corkscrew as it went black. he was falling.
Danie lives with her younger brother, Max, and her two best friends, Katie and Dylan. Sure she's only 13 but they've been on their own for a lot longer. They've lived in a house deep inside the woods where no one has found them... at least not until now. A crazy facility decides to capture them all and "make them better". In the end, they all end up with awesome new powers. Read on to find out more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
And no, this is NOT some fan fiction of Maximum Ride. Just making that clear... There are more on the way.