Weird mystical person: Welcome to my domain... Here you shall learn things unimaginable to the normal- Me: GET OUT! *whacks with book* heh... Don't know how he got in here! Anyway, hey guys! I'm Ox_LittleMissNerd_xO, also known as LMN for short. You were obviously lead here by either someone telling you about my fabulousness, looking at my fabulous comments, reading my fabulous stories or looking at someone's fabulous 'following' or 'followed' list. Here I spill me deepest and darkest secrets, me hidden feelings and me- Zelda: You really shouldn't tell lies, Jules. X3 Me: DX just sush, Zel. Nobody likes you. ANYWAY, as I was saying, here is just a ridiculous place where I post thing like rants, challenges and ideas. If you want to see photos, check out my "book" My Photos! Jenny: If you want to see her fanfic, it's called "Alive"!!!! Luna: Do I have to? (Me: YES!) on if you want to know more about her friends and life. Can I go now? Me: If you must...