warning! This story is based on "The Harry Potter Series" written by J.K. Rowling and "The Storm and Silence" series written by Robert Thier. I do not claim ownership of any characters made by these authors, however have written them in my own fashion. based on the HP series, content mentioned refers to racism, classism, slavery, child abuse & neglect, trauma & nightmares, grief & loss depiction, death, torture, kidnapping, attempted murder or murder and based on the Storm & Silence series this story utilises strong languages and sexual themes. Also mentions of self-harm, suicide and artillery. Non-commercial Story- all rights reserved for J.K. Rowling & Robert Thier regarding their world building, characters, aesthetic and I claim ownership of the storyline & writing, all rights reserved. 20.02.23. •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• this story starts at the beginning of Order of the Phoenix. Dark times have come to Hogwarts. Mr Rikkard Ambrose's little sister is caught in compromising positions in the Girls' lavatory, a gun is found and half the school believes The Boy Who Lived has finally succumbed to ending his own life. Not many students believe in the return of the Dark Lord, but few students from determined house Slytherin are vying to become closer to the Dark forces. Professor Snape must try and resolve the issues that Alexandra Catarina Ambrose and those wretched dunderheads have caused that byway his carefully calculated plans to protect the students from Voldemort's savage assaults. The mind attacks on Harry Potter are growing stronger by the day and it seems students are running out of time... Humour - Drama