In the year 2043, Itaru Nagaro's mundane college life takes an unexpected turn when he, along with his sister Hana and friends Bea and Skela, finds himself thrust into a mysterious and fantastical realm. Itaru, initially dozing off in a routine class, suddenly awakens to a world beyond imagination, only to discover that his entire class of 300 has been transported alongside him.
To some disappointment, none of the students possess the cliche array of special powers or extraordinary traits that often accompany such fantastical adventures. Now faced with the challenge of survival in this unfamiliar realm, Itaru must navigate a world where the rules are undefined, and dangers lurk around every corner.
"Conqueror of Another World" explores themes of resilience, camaraderie, and self-discovery as Itaru and his companions embark on an epic journey to unravel the mysteries of this new world, facing unforeseen challenges, forging alliances, and discovering strength within themselves. With survival at stake and the fate of their entire class hanging in the balance, Itaru must find a way to conquer the obstacles before them and unveil the secrets of the realm they now call home.
When the truth comes out, there's nowhere left to run.
Season 3 of Eliona's War
When Seth received a new virtual reality video game from his uncle, he wasn't expecting to get swept up into a whole new world called Eliona. As it turned out, Eliona and its people are far more dangerous than Seth could ever have imagined. There is a real consequence to playing this game: it's changing him, and it might not be for the better.
Now that Seth/Severance knows the truth of Eliona, there's no going back. Eliona is dying, and in order to save it, he needs to beat a very difficult dungeon before anyone else does. And on Earth, things are even worse. It's come to light that Eliona is leaving a mark on its players, and suddenly, everyone wants to be involved. Players find themselves with a target on their back, and Seth? He might just have the biggest one of all.
Too bad for them, he's done running.
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