Gurbatacciyar zuciya me cike da zallar soyayya, soyayyar da bata da alkiba, bata da gaba balle baya, soyayyar da tunda aka fara ta babu farin ciki da jin dad'i har izuwa k'arshenta, duk da sun kasance ma'aurata amma rayuwa suke gudanarwa a juye ta baibai domin sun samu banbancin halaya da k'arancin fahimtar juna, tafiyar doguwa ce me nisa, nisan da k'arshenta zayyi wahalar hangowa, a haka suka cigaba da gudanar da wahalalliyar rayuwa, daga b'angare d'aya kuma k'addara ta bud'e musu saban shafin daya zama sanadiyyar wargaza komai nasu, akan ce k'addara mace ce mara tabbas da a koyaushe tana iya juyawa, sukan wad'annan ma'auratan tasu k'addarar ba me kyau bace ta kasance Bak'ar K'addara. BAK'AR SHUKAβ€οΈβπ₯π₯π₯
Hauwa A Usman
Magical... is your glance, fragrant is your body, whether you say yes.. or no you're mine, do not become someone else's, i will do anythings to stop that from happening, you're the embodiment of my dreams, unknowingly you are my destiny, your crazy lover, distance between us is lessening even further, from a distance we're growing close, i will snatch you away from this world, i will die in this love, if this is love then its has no limit, if you demand my life i will give it right now, if you say so i will destroy my self for this love, come i will end my breathes over you, i will be with you like being your shadow, i will do whatever you say even if i die, i will die in love, our love is limitless, A violent love story, Hustle in love is a big crime, trick love or I will die for your love.
Qulsum Abi is going through a lot. Her step mother only favors Qulsum's step sisters and brother Worst part is they become great actors in front of her father.
Married off to a Rich, controlling, disrespectful,careless and Possessive Man.She can't stand his presence and he can't stand hers. Until their stories slowly start to unfold.
Most people say mother in laws are tough to be around but for her She sees her mother in law as her very own mother. Who welcomes her, cherish's her and cares for her.
But Qulsum can see beyond that happiness she sees emptiness in her eyes and decides to take action to her mother's sadness. Bring a family together again. Maybe just maybe she can get her jerk of a husband to take counselling.