Genre : Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Slice Of Life, Science (a bit ig), Action ( This story have mixed-up genres. ) Note from author : As the author, I apologize if there's any spelling or writing mistake. I am a beginner writer and I apologize if the story dissapoint you. Thank you for willing to read this story I've always kept in my head. If there's any spelling mistakes, please inform me in the comment section, thank you. Summary : -A women who tries her best to protect all the universes in the multiverse, to protect those universes, she need to explore all the universes in the multiverse and create peace. It sounded easy but it's really not, after all, if she decided to stop trying to protect the multiverse, there will be a big consequence. She must either protect the multiverse from the 'threat' that can destroy the multiverse or die as a failed guardian. This is her fate as the multiverse guadian. She'll meet a lot of people and she can either create peace between them or kill the villain, that'll be her choice. Her adventure wouldn't be that easy though. Something will be a little bit off. Will she ever find what she needed ?