Synopsis: Yosh! My name's Hori Kaede. I'm one of those ordinary students who's in the same class with the harem protagonists, like Kazuto Hiro. And being surrounded by his harem every single day gets really irritating, I too seek fun and desire after all. But despite this, I have online friends that are Gods, that's right, real Gods. I stumbled upon this group a few years ago, and given an option, my life changed drastically. I love nothing more than solving a good mystery, and it seems like Hiro and his harem are full of it! my adventures as the mysterious side character in this world full of magic, groups, deities, villains, patrons, heroes, and most importantly, dangers and mysteries! And of course ancient gods in chat rooms. This story is not mine It belongs to PurpleGrimm on Scribble Hub, so all credits go to him.
66 parts