The story follows the life of Aiden, a young man who lives in a small village in the middle of a forest. Aiden is known for his kindness and his ability to connect with the animals of the forest. One day, he discovers a young deer named Buck who is injured and takes care of him until he recovers. Aiden and Buck become best friends and explore the forest together. Aiden imparts all his knowledge to Buck, who becomes the forest's guardian after Aiden's departure. Buck makes sure that the forest is always safe for everyone who lives there.
Lucas, a compassionate man like Aiden, rises to become the leader of the forest with Buck by his side. Together, they defend the forest and its residents from threats, but they face a challenge when a group of loggers enters the forest with the intent of clearing it out. Lucas enlists the help of the forest's inhabitants, and together they are able to save the forest from destruction.
Lucas's children continue his legacy of protecting the forest, and they pass on their knowledge to a young man named Alex, who becomes the next forest guardian. Alex, in turn, finds a successor in Tyler, and the cycle of protection continues as each generation takes responsibility for preserving the forest and its inhabitants. Alex retires to the meadows, content in the knowledge that the forest is in good hands. The story shows the importance of protecting nature and passing on that responsibility to future generations.
Ash Ketchum has finished the world championship, but that also means he's closer to be a pokemon master.
He already continue his adventure after his depart with Goh and Chloe, but he also already finished his other adventure.
Ash don't know what to do after beating the championship, but it looks like Delia able to step ahead and give Ash something to do: a School life.
The story will be having Ash in Pokemon Horizon, but i'll try to make Ash character better in this story
Also Ash and Liko are 10 years old cuz some people in discord sat i should add it in description.