Arcane Realms is a thrilling tale of sorcery that takes place in a medieval fantasy world. In this world, three humanoid races - humans, elves, and dwarves - exist, each with its own unique culture and magical abilities. Our story centers around Kayo, a 17-year-old orphaned elf of Eldrin village lying on the outskirts of the Elven kingdom of Halcyon. With the demand for mages at an all-time high Kayo is accepted into a prestigious academy that recruits combat magicians to join the elven army, despite being a healer.
After Kayo is recruited to Xior academy, he finds himself struggling to adjust to his new society. Amidst studying, training, and fighting for his place among commoners and nobles alike, things take a dark turn when elves, who have become violent due to disturbances in mana, start attacking villages on the outskirts of Halcyon kingdom. This prompts immediate action from the elven nation.
As Kayo embarks on his journey, he learns more about his own magical abilities, the history of the magical world around him, and the complexities surrounding the dark elves. Along the way, he encounters a wide cast of characters, including mythical creatures and other students at Xior.
Thirteen year old Elora gets invited to a camp. No, not your average camp, this one's a training camp. The kids who go there train to become heroes, train to fight monsters, cast spells, make weapons. It's filled with elves like her, and not just elves, also tiefling, dragonborns, halfing and more and more different races. Each kid there starts their own journey to become a hero, training for their chosen class, some get their class from what their parents were, some from what they're best at. Once Elora arrives there, she makes her first real friends, it's the first place that she knows she truly belongs.