In this story, Monkey D. Luffy, the son of the revolutionary Army Leader Monkey D. Dragon and the 4 commander of the Roger Pirates, and grandson of the Vice Admiral, Monkey D. Garp! It's all changed when Luffy meets a certain Pirate group, in the Red-Hair Pirates, and how he's see the difference between pirate, the Marines and the World Government Luffy childhood was some child should never lived thought because he goes to so much pain and suffering before sailing in the sea's to have his pirate crew. But the one thing he will do is to protect his family in the crew, especially for those one that had to suffer so much in their childhood. How would Luffy and his crew mates shocks the futute, in different countries and especially with the world government. Mature Luffy, Sword Luffy, slightly expanded crew. A•S•L Brothers Pairing depends of how this story goes.