Backend Development, as name suggests it is something which is behind something, in this case all web tools and techniques used behind what can be seen by a user i.e., frontend. A software developer concerned to the backend technologies is commonly known as backend developer. This article would focus on the best and effective roadmap for one to become a backend developer in 2023.
In this article, one would be provided with a set of technologies for each task and would suggest one option for as per the need of general student to get ready for job.
Effective Roadmap for Backend Development in 2023
Backend Development in 2023
Necessary Technologies and Tools for Backend:
1). Knowledge of Servers:
Server is just a computer machine, same like a personal computer, it take an input and in respond send a set of files as per input. But what make server different from ordinary Personal Computers? So, the features that make a computer a server are: (i). Handling a http request, accepts a http request and return set of files which includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. (ii). Continuously interacting with database to provide web page life i.e. dynamic web pages. (iii). Remote availability on internet and always online.
One must Know list:
* Manage hosting and database
* Handling traffic and scalability of application
* Version Control, git.
e.g: Apache, Microsoft IIS etc